Friday, 15 May 2020

Kids in Lockdown

We all are going through a strange phase of our lives during this lockdown period. It is putting an immense stress not only on adults but also to the kids, who are neither allowed to go to school, nor even going outside to play.
  Having a 7 year old kid at home, I can feel how this lockdown has brought an extreme hardship to these little ones. Getting up early in the morning, going to school, studying and playing with friends there, is a major part of a school going kid and suddenly when this schedule changes, their whole world has changed. Yes, kids love waking up late and staying home with parents, but when this weekend fun becomes a regular routine, even they start feeling bored.
The extended period of lockdown  all over the world has led the education sector to start online classes, though in a country like India it is not possible for all the students to be a part of online learning. Even though who are lucky to have the facility of online learning, every morning attending  online classes is becoming scary due to various network issues.
 A child is happy when he goes to school and meet his friends and teachers personally. But this pandemic has changed their daily routine. They are too small to learn everything virtually.  They could see their friends on the computer screen, but still they cant talk to them. They cant give a hug to their besties. Its really sad for them. Kids are immensely missing all the fun they have at school.
Though the kids are having their music classes, drawing classes & dance classes online, they cant join the games classes. They cant go outside to play with a ball. Playing outside in open air, not only improves their physical & mental health, but also develop essential social skills, which kids in lockdown are being deprived off.
Since they are spending the whole day at home, kids are more prone to watch television, mobile phones and playing video games. And cutting down the screen time for the sake of their health without any fight has become a great challenge for the parents, at present.
With the emergence of lockdown, everyday my son asks when the lockdown will be over and he can go outside. He still believes that after summer vacation his school will be re-opened and finally he could visit his new class. For every kid, this year's summer holidays will be different. They cant go on a vacation, they cant go outside to meet their loved ones, they cant go out for a movie and have their favourite Pizza and even cant step out from home to breathe a fresh air. 
Kids can not express their stress, anxiety & loneliness as we can. But still self isolation is posing a psychological effect on these young minds. They don't know how this Covid 19 has threatened our lives &  economy. They don't know about the vulnerable condition of migrant labour and how thousands of people in India are starving these days, they only know that a Virus has changed their daily lives and  the Zombie virus is taking away all the fun they could have. So its our duty to make them understand that even if the crisis is over and we are back to our normal lives, our lives will never be as normal as before.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

আমার মা

 মায়ের জন্য কোন আলাদা দিন বা দিবসের প্ৰয়োজন পরে না।  মা কে মনে করতে বা ভালবাসতে হলে মাতৃ দিবস পালন করতে হয় না।  তবুও মনে হল, যে মানুষটির জন্য আজ আমার অস্তিত্ব এই পৃথিবীতে , যার অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রমে আজ আমি বড় হলাম, তাকে নিয়ে দু চার কথা আজ লিখতে ইচ্ছে করল।  
ছোট থেকেই আমি বড্ড বেশি 'মা' 'মা' করি।  মা যেহেতু স্কুল শিক্ষিকা ছিলেন , এখনো মনে আছে আমি তখনো স্কুলে ভর্তি হইনি , তাই প্রতিদিন মা  যখন স্কুলে চলে যেত ভোরবেলা আমি কাঁদতাম আর প্রতিদিন আমার ঠাকুমা আমার কান্না থামাতো।  তার পর মা যখন স্কুল থেকে ফিরে আসত , তখন কি আনন্দই না হত।   তারপর যখন স্কুলে ভর্তি হলাম , একটু বড় হলাম , তখন আবার স্কুল থেকে ফিরে বাড়িতে মা কে দেখতে না পেলে খুব রাগ হত।  এখনো মনে পড়ে বেশ অনেক বড় বয়স অবধি আমি কোথাও থেকে বাড়ি ফিরে যদি মা কে দেখতে না পেতাম খুব রাগ হত  আর কষ্ট পেতাম।  
ছোট থেকেই মায়ের কাছে আর যাই কর পড়াশুনো করাটা ছিল খুব ইম্পরট্যান্ট। সন্ধেবেলা ঘড়িতে ৬ টা  বাজা  মানেই বই খাতা নিয়ে পড়তে বসে যাওয়া। আর ছোট থেকেই আমি খুব ফাঁকি বাজে ছিলাম , পড়াশোনাটা যতটা কম করা যায় আরকি। এই নিয়ে কম বকুনি খাইনি।  তাই সব সময় বলতাম ' উফ , কারুর মা যেন স্কুল টিচার না হয় '........ শুধু পড়ার বই নয় , গল্পের বই থেকে শুরু করে যেকোন ম্যাগাজিন পড়ার নেশা আছে মায়ের। প্রতি বছর বই মেলা থেকে অনেক বই কিনে দিত, যাতে আমার আর দিদির মধ্যেও বই পড়ার ভালবাসাটা জন্মায়।  
আজ  বুঝতে পারি  পড়াশোনার প্রতি যেটুকু ভালবাসা জন্মেছে তা , মায়ের জন্যই। এখনো মা পড়াশুনো নিয়ে থাকতে ভালোবাসে।  এখনো দেখি অবসর সময় মা হয় বই পড়ছে বা খবরের কাগজ।  এখনো মা সারাদিন খবরের কাগজের শব্দ-জব্দ করে সময় কাটায়।  বাংলা পড়তে গিয়ে এখনো যখন কোন কিছু বুঝতে অসুবিধা হয় , মা ই একমাত্র ভরসা।  
সবচেয়ে ভাল লাগার বিষয় ছিল মা আমাদের খুব বিশ্বাস করত।  মাকে ভয় পেলেও বন্ধুর মতন সব কথা মায়ের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করতাম।  এখনো সেই অভ্যাসটা  রয়ে গেছে।  
আজ মা আছে বলেই অনেক বাধা বিঘ্ন ও সমস্যার মধ্যেও আমি আমার প্রফেশন করতে পারছি।  দীর্ঘ সময় ছেলেকে বাড়িতে রেখে বাইরে কর্মরত থাকতে পারছি কেবল মায়ের জন্যই।  জানি আমার থেকেও মা বেশি খেয়াল রাখবে ওর ।  
আজ যেটুকু যা হতে পেরেছি তা কেবল বাবা মায়ের জন্য।  বাবার অবদানও কিছু কম নয়।  মাতৃ দিবস বলে যে শুধু মায়ের কথাই বলবা তা নয়।  
তবে মায়ের জায়গা কেও  কোনদিন নিতে পারবে না।  মায়ের ভূমিকা আমার জীবনে যা, তা দু চার কথায় লিখে ব্যক্ত করা অসম্ভব।  
আমার মা ই আমার  অনুপ্রেরণা । যদিও অসম্ভব তবুও চাইবো মা চিরটাকাল যেন আমার সঙ্গে থাকে।      

Friday, 1 May 2020

Life in Lockdown

My City of Joy has never been so quiet before. Being one of the citizens of the 1.3 billion people in lockdown, I am scared, I am restless and I am worried. The virus has threatened our lives and livelihoods and making us paranoid. Even after so many days of lockdown we are on the edge of uncertainty, unable to plan for the coming days. I cant be fearless, undeterred and unbiased anymore for whatever happening around us.  
Our life has changed since the emergence of the virus, sometimes it makes me feel that time has stopped for us. Days are passing by, but we are still on the same lane, neither moved forward nor backwards. 
Being a parent makes the job tougher. The sudden shut down of schools due to coronavirus has led the parents quarantined at home with the kids for an unending period and keeping them engaged & amused through out the day is indeed a big challenge. Though its a lovely opportunity for kids to spend the whole time with their parents, yet its not so easy to keep them boosted up all the time, when we know that we are going through a pandemic.
Since online classes have started, everyday after waking up I keep on watching my watch so that my son doesn't miss his classes. Above all the poor internet connection is an added stress to these online classes. Every kid I am sure becomes irritated if he cant join his classes on time and get distracted with the disturbance of network. 
Besides, giving the whole time & energy to the kids, since morning we are busy doing the various household chores. All our schedules have changed within the four walls of the house. Washing our hands and sanitizing the things are playing a major role in our life. The daily scene of my neighbourhood has changed. Instead of people going out for schools & offices in the morning they are now busy buying fruits & vegetables from the trolley standing in front of their houses, storing the groceries, medicines and other essentials with the fear of shortage of anything at anytime. 
I miss my work, I miss those noise of Court Premises, I miss wearing my black coat, and I  am desperately missing my busy schedule of the day. Spending so much time on social net working sites has become no other option left when you are stuck inside the house. 
I miss the loud sounds of various television serials coming from the nearby houses in the evening. It seems they too are keeping an eye on the screen for virus updates. The only topic that we are discussing at home is about covid19 and the only channels we are watching at home are news channels which are becoming disgusting day by day. In order to take any sound decision, the society must require a consensus of truth and for common people news media is the only gateway to know the truth. Unfortunately the biased & unfair news sources these days are making us more panic-stricken. I believe polarized news are more dangerous during an emergency situation, that we are facing right now. When the politicians of the country are more worried about their political future and profits, even during such a pandemic, I doubt, how secured we are in this country. Our future is in great danger. Unaware of the actual data and the present scenario.
Since childhood I have heard that in times of need, when we are in danger, when we are in fear, we should stay together, but this vulnerable disease has made us apart from each other. We keep on maintaining social distance with each other when we need each others support the most. Some are  unfortunate enough of not being able to say the final good-bye to their loved ones on their death beds. 
Amidst all these, I am borrowing my strength from the doctors and other health workers who are fighting in the fore front, I am gaining strength from those people who are associated with essential services and going out everyday, I get my strength from the sweeper whom I see everyday cleaning the neighbourhood and above all with the hope that someday we will get a way out to fight with this stupid virus. Perhaps God is testing our patience & tolerance of being human, but I am eagerly waiting for the day when we will wake up one day without the fear of getting infected and will be back to our normal schedule of the day.